Students in Grades 4 to Year 9 can audition for a place in Ballarat Voices. Students in Grades 1-4 are not required to audition and should see the enrolment page here.
Auditions for Ballarat Voices take place in a supportive environment. Everyone is asked to prepare a short piece they know well to sing at the audition. A range of exercises, both singing and aural will be worked through as part of the audition. Sight reading may also be undertaken, but experience with this is not required.
While our main audition period and intake is at the beginning of Term 1 and 3, we are always interested to hear from interested singers.
To make an audition time please click on “Schedule an Audition” (below), contact us at [email protected] or phone 0434 902 092.
Schedule an Audition
Meet and Greet SlideShow – More About Ballarat Voices
Meet and Greet Flyer